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Photo Credit: Benjamin Rigby
Benjamin Rigby

Local Directory.

Finley Local Online Directory


Your guide to the best deals and the best businesses in the Berrigan Shire. From humble beginnings on a stock route, the modern Finley today would be unrecognisable by early settlers. 


Finley has grown to be the major town and business centre and a retail destination for shoppers looking for local products, local knowledge and good old fashion country service. The best way to see all that Finley has to offer is to browse the Finley Chamber of Commerce’s local directory.


It’s a free online local directory of businesses, business groups and community groups in the Finley region. This free service from the Finley Chamber of Commerce is a great way to get in touch with people who want your business and are prepared to provide you with advice and service.

Hair & Beauty

Hair and Beauty

Essential Hair and Beauty

Lavee Nail and Beauty

Angels Be Hairdressing

Marcia Pyle Hairdressing

Berns Hair House